Best SMS Marketing Strategies for Shopify Merchants

September 16, 2024 Aya Musallam

Reading time about 5min

“Explore the best SMS marketing strategies for Shopify merchants to boost sales with Winback.”


In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, Shopify merchants are always looking for new ways to stand out and connect with customers. SMS marketing has emerged as one of the most powerful tools in a merchant’s toolkit. It’s immediate, personal, and effective at driving engagement and sales. When done right, SMS campaigns can have open rates as high as 98%, with most texts being read within just minutes of receipt. This means you have the potential to deliver your message at precisely the right time, directly into the hands of your customers.

However, you need a solid SMS marketing strategy for your Shopify store. Sending generic texts won’t cut it. You need personalized, well-timed, relevant messages to build customer loyalty and drive conversions. Below are some of the best SMS marketing strategies for Shopify merchants, helping you harness the full power of SMS for your store.

1. Leverage Welcome Messages

First impressions matter; SMS is a fantastic way to welcome new subscribers to your store. When someone signs up for SMS alerts, they should receive a welcome message. This isn’t just a chance to say hello—it’s an opportunity to offer a special discount, highlight popular products, or provide helpful information about your store.

For instance, using a tool like Winback, you can automate welcome texts triggered right after a customer opts in. Not only does this save time, but it also ensures that new subscribers immediately feel valued. You could include something like, “Welcome to [Your Brand]! Here’s a 10% off code just for you: WELCOME10.”


2. Abandoned Cart Reminders

Shopify merchants lose countless sales to abandoned carts. Sometimes, customers get distracted or need more motivation to complete their purchase. SMS reminders are a powerful way to bring them back to their cart.

SMS tools, like Winback, can help you set up automated reminders that nudge customers to finish their purchases. For example, a message sent an hour after they leave their cart might read, “Looks like you left something in your cart. Complete your order now and enjoy 10% off with this code: CART10.”

This strategy is effective because SMS is immediacy. Customers might ignore an email, but a quick text reminder is hard to overlook.


3. Offer Exclusive Deals

Everyone loves a good deal, and one of the best ways to make your SMS subscribers feel special is to offer exclusive promotions. Since SMS is a more personal channel, reserving some of your best offers for those who’ve opted in makes sense.

Whether it’s flash sales, limited-time offers, or early access to new collections, make your SMS subscribers feel like they’re part of an insider club. You could send a message like, “Exclusive offer just for you: Get 20% off all products today! Use code SMSVIP at checkout.”

This strategy drives immediate sales and builds loyalty and exclusivity among your customers.


4. Personalized Product Recommendations

Personalization is the key to success in modern marketing, and SMS is no exception. Using data from your Shopify store, you can send tailored product recommendations based on your customer’s past behavior.

For instance, if a customer recently purchased a particular item, you could recommend complementary products through SMS. A message might say, “Thanks for purchasing [Product]! We think you’ll love these related items: [Product 1] and [Product 2].”

With tools like Winback, automating these types of personalized messages is easy. The more relevant your texts are, the more likely customers will engage with them and make repeat purchases.


5. Create Urgency with Time-Sensitive Promotions

Nothing motivates shoppers like a sense of urgency. Whether it’s a limited-time offer or a flash sale, SMS is the perfect channel to communicate these time-sensitive promotions.

The key is to keep the message short, clear, and action-oriented. For example: “Hurry! Our 50% off sale ends in just 2 hours. Shop now: [Link].”

Urgency-driven campaigns can be even more effective when paired with tools that allow easy scheduling and automation, such as Winback. Sending these promotions at the right time—like during peak shopping hours—can make all the difference in boosting your Shopify sales.

6. Re-engage Inactive Customers

SMS isn’t just about driving new sales. It’s also a great way to bring old customers back into the fold. If you’ve noticed that specific customers haven’t purchased in a while, a well-timed text could remind them what they’re missing.

Re-engagement campaigns can be as simple as sending a “We miss you!” message with a special discount. For example: “It’s been a while! Here’s 15% off your next purchase because we miss you: MISSYOU15.”

Using a tool like Winback, you can set up automatic triggers based on customer inactivity. This makes it easy to keep your customer base engaged and reduce churn.


7. Segment Your Audience

Segmentation is one of the most effective marketing strategies, and it’s just as crucial in SMS campaigns. Not all customers are the same, and not all messages will resonate with everyone. You can send more relevant messages directly to different customer groups by segmenting your audience.

For instance, you might create separate segments for first-time buyers, repeat customers, and high-value customers. Each of these groups might receive different types of offers or content. First-time buyers could get welcome discounts, while repeat customers might receive loyalty rewards or recommendations for new products.

Tools like Winback make it easy to segment your Shopify customer base and send tailored messages that drive better results.


8. Collect Feedback and Reviews

Your SMS strategy doesn’t have to be all about sales. It’s also an excellent channel for collecting valuable feedback from your customers. After a purchase, you could send a message asking them to leave a review or complete a survey.

For example: “Thank you for your purchase! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave us a review here: [Link].”

This shows that you value your customers’ opinions and helps you gather social proof that can drive future sales.


9. Respect Frequency and Timing

While SMS is a powerful tool, it’s essential not to overdo it. Sending too many texts can annoy customers and lead to higher opt-out rates. Finding the right balance between staying top of mind and respecting your customers’ time is essential.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid sending more than 2-3 messages per week unless there’s a special event or promotion. Additionally, be mindful of when you send your texts. You want to reach customers when they’re most likely to engage, whether during lunch breaks, after work, or on the weekend.


10. Compliance Matters

Compliance is critical when it comes to SMS marketing. Be sure to follow all legal requirements, including obtaining proper consent from your customers before sending them texts. In most regions, including the U.S., this is mandated by law under acts like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Tools like Winback can help ensure that your SMS campaigns are compliant, making it easy to manage opt-ins and opt-outs.


SMS marketing is a game-changer for Shopify merchants looking to connect directly and effectively with customers. Personalized, timely, and exclusive messages can increase engagement, boost sales, and build long-term customer loyalty. Tools like Winback make automating and optimizing your SMS campaigns easy, ensuring you reach the right customers with the right message at the right time.

When done right, SMS marketing can be one of the most effective channels in your eCommerce strategy, driving immediate action and long-term growth.


FAQs About SMS Marketing for Shopify Merchants

  1. How can I grow my SMS subscriber list?

Start by offering an incentive for customers to opt in, such as a discount code or exclusive offer. Promote your SMS sign-up through your Shopify store, email campaigns, and social media channels.

  1. How often should I send SMS campaigns?

It’s essential to find a balance. Sending too many messages can lead to unsubscribes, while too few may result in missed opportunities. A good rule of thumb is 2-3 weekly messages unless there’s a special promotion or sale.

  1. What types of messages work best for SMS marketing?

Time-sensitive promotions, abandoned cart reminders, exclusive offers, and personalized product recommendations perform well in SMS campaigns.

  1. How do I personalize SMS messages?

Using customer data, such as past purchases and browsing history, allows you to send tailored product recommendations and offers that are more likely to resonate with each recipient.

  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid in SMS marketing?

Avoid sending too many messages, neglecting to personalize content, and failing to include clear calls to action. Also, always ensure your campaigns are legally compliant by obtaining customer consent.