Top 28 Shopify Apps to Boost Your Sales

April 10, 2023 Julio Romero

Reading time about 15min

Top 28 Shopify Apps to Boost Your Sales

As a Shopify shop owner, you’re undoubtedly on the lookout for ways to boost your productivity and increase your sales. Some of the best tools you will have available to you are Shopify apps. These apps can help with everything from providing you with better analytics and improving email marketing to cross-publishing new products on other social media websites, adding customer reviews to your store, and more. All of these factors play a major role in improving revenues, which means that if your shop isn’t doing as well as you like, the right apps can help you turn that around.

That said, the Shopify App Store offers over 3000 apps for you to choose from. With this massive selection at your fingertips, narrowing down your options can prove a challenge. This is where this guide will come in handy – here are 28 of the best, must-have Shopify apps, so you don’t have to browse through the app store, hoping trial and error works out for you!

*Disclaimer: We don’t receive compensation for including any of the apps on our list.

Top 28 Shopify Apps (Free and Paid)

Some of these apps are available for a premium, others have free trials, many have free plans! Excited? So are we. So without further ado…

1. ROI Hunter

Created to help you with retargeting ads, ROI Hunter allows you to easily retarget site visitors who didn’t make a purchase the first time around. Ads will be set up on both Google and Facebook, all without the app having to access your Google Ads or Facebook Ads Manager accounts.

The app offers both paid and free packages, with paid packages ranging from $29 to $299 per month. Keep in mind that the packages do not include the cost of the respective ads, which you will still have to pay for.

ROI Hunter has been rated 4.5 stars by 540 Shopify users.

2. TrustPulse

Uses the power of social proof to boost your sales – all while letting existing customers and subscribers do the work for you. Visitors to your store are updated every time someone makes a purchase, allowing them peace of mind and confidence when buying themselves.

TrustPulse was created by OptinMonster, a company that specializes in apps for eCommerce stores on different platforms. The downside to this app is that you can’t find it in Shopify’s app list. You can download the app and manually install it on your store, whatever platform you may be using.

The app purports to increase conversions by up to 15%, making it a must-have if your sales are lower than you would like. The app offers numerous packages, with prices starting at $9 per month, all the way up to $50 per month. Additionally, they offer a 14-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to recover your investment if you’re unsatisfied with the app.


3. Winback

One of the biggest challenges Shopify store owners face is the problem of abandoned carts when visitors leave the shop website before making a purchase but after adding items to their carts. Winback uses SMS marketing to help reduce the chances of cart abandonment and getting customers back to your website.

The app boasts 98% SMS open rates and a cart recovery rate of 34%. WinBack’s plans start at $59 per month, and the app is currently rated 4.8 stars by almost a hundred users. If you’re still on the fence about whether WinBack can help your store, you can test it out first using our 14-day free trial. What have you got to lose?

4. Instagram Shop by SNPT

Have you ever stumbled across a gorgeous top on a shop’s Instagram account, only to be flummoxed when it comes to navigating their website and buying it for yourself? Instagram Shop by SNPT was developed to help fix that issue.

This app makes your Instagram account shoppable, allowing your followers to easily access the relevant page on your website when they see an item on your Instagram feed they want to buy. Additionally, you can embed the shoppable Instagram feed on your blog and website.

The app is mostly free, though there are in-app purchase options available.

5. Loox


Most customers tend to check a product’s reviews before making a purchase themselves. That’s where Loox comes in – it helps create reviews that are both helpful and visually appealing, which you can then publish on your store. These reviews draw a visitor’s attention immediately, allowing them to quickly understand the benefits of the product and why they should make a purchase.

Prices start at $9.99, though the app offers a free trial. Loox has received seven thousand strong reviews from Shopify users worldwide, averaging a whopping 4.9 stars.

6. Omnisend


Initially an email marketing solution, Omnisend now incorporates SMS, push notification, Facebook Messenger, and several other channels. The app allows you to automate your marketing and communicate with your customers through several marketing channels at once.

The app has received almost 3,900 reviews and is rated 4.7 stars by users. It offers both free and paid plans. Pricing for paid plans starts at $13 per month and goes up to $80 per month. Additionally, it offers Enterprise plans with custom pricing for larger shops.

The app also offers your users discounts to encourage a high response rate, making them more likely to leave reviews. When it comes to pricing, it offers a 14-day free trial, though there is no free package available. Prices start at $9.99 and go up to $99.99, with packages priced based on how many review requests you’re looking for.

7. Replay Live Session Recordings

Formerly called Better Replay, this app by CartKit is perfect for shop owners looking to discover which part of the shopping process they need to refine, as this app provides you with a live replay of shoppers’ sessions. This allows you to get a better understanding of how people interact with the store interface, what products they look at, and where they stop shopping.

Once you have this data, you’ll be able to tailor changes to your store based on customer needs without having to follow up with them for feedback. The app has both a free and a paid pricing package – the free package records 100 sessions per month, while the paid package – priced at $29 per month – offers unlimited recordings.

The app has received more than 2,200 reviews, getting an average of 4.7 stars.


8. SMSBump

This app helps you reach customers via text messages, opening up a new marketing channel for your shop. It offers both SMS and MMS messages, sends messages based on the receiver’s timezone, and integrates smoothly with Shopify’s POS.

Prices are based on the number of messages you’re looking to send – they start at $0.0149 per message, with no cost for the app itself. If you’re looking for additional features, the app prices start at $19 per month.

SMSBump has received 1,700 reviews averaging a score of 4.8 stars.

9. Google Channel

A basic Shopify app that every store owner should have, the Google Channel app integrates your store with Google Merchant Center. This allows your shop and product information to show up on a variety of Google properties, including Search, Youtube, and Google ads.

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The app automatically sends any updates you may make to your shop to the Google Merchant Center, so you don’t have to do much legwork from your side. You can also set a daily budget for Google ads and let the app do the rest. The app is completely free, though there is an option for paid advertising.

10. Free Persistent Cart App

Customers often shop from a variety of devices, adding items to their cart on their mobile phones before making the final purchase on their laptops or desktop computers. When they switch between devices, they want the products they chose to remain in their cart, saving them time instead of forcing them to browse through your shop once again.

That’s where this app comes in handy. It allows customers to complete purchases across multiple devices, reducing the risk of abandoned carts due to lack of time or frustration. The app is completely free, which only adds to its appeal.

11. Rewind Backups

This app is a godsend when it comes to making updates to your shop. Changing your shop always brings with it a set of possible mistakes, including the risk of deleting collections, breaking your site by making changes to the theme, and more.

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Rewind Backups manages these risks easily – it allows you to quickly create a complete backup of your website with the click of a button. If you do make a mistake the next time you backup your shop, this app will restore the previous version without an issue. Plans range from $3 to $99 per month.

The app has been rated 4.8 stars, averaged from more than 700 reviews.

12. Etsy Marketplace Integration

While a Shopify store is a great first start, advertising your products on Etsy can help you bring in a new consumer base and add to your profits. This app allows you to do that – without forcing you to deal with another platform.

Etsy Marketplace Integration lists your products, sells them, manages orders, and syncs inventories between shops, all without forcing you to be overly involved in the process. Packages start at $30 per month and go up to $90 per month.

This app has received more than 700 ratings, garnering an average of 4.7 stars.

13. Aftership

Aftership is a great option for store owners looking to improve the customer shopping experience. It allows you to create a custom branded order tracking page that includes your shop logo and a customizable color scheme, as well as a product marketing banner and your embedded Instagram feed.

The app also sends automatic notifications to your customers, allowing them to have step-by-step information about the status of your order until it reaches their home. The app offers both free and paid plans, with prices for paid packages starting at $9 per month and going up to $999 per month. The charge for each SMS sent is separate from the cost of the app.

Aftership has more than 2,500 reviews, getting an average score of 4.5 stars.

14. Recharge Subscriptions

This app is essential if you’re planning to run a subscription business through your Shopify store. The app integrates with the Shopify interface, allowing you to turn one-time purchase items into monthly subscriptions. Additionally, it also provides help with the checkout process, the order flow, and customer accounts.

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Pricing for the app is dependant on revenue – it is free to use until your shop processes $100,000 in revenue, after which you will be charged $39.99 per month, as well as 1% + $0.05 per transaction. They also have a pro package which is priced at $300 per month for the app and 1% + $0.19 per transaction additionally.

15. Pre-Order Alpha

If your shop allows customers to pre-order upcoming products or products that are currently out of stock, Pre-Order Alpha is a must-have. It allows you to sell a variety of not-in-stock products, including pre-order, out-of-stock, and coming-soon products.

The app allows you to highlight which products fall under these specifications and also tag these items in your backend admin, allowing you to keep everything organized. It also alerts customers who have mixed carts – with both pre-order and in-stock items – of this fact before they pay, so there’s no confusion. The best part? It’s completely free to use. It has so far received 4.6 stars coming from almost 50 users.

16. Easy Digital Products

A Shopify store doesn’t just have to include physical products – you can sell digital products as well. However, the technicalities for selling such products are slightly different from selling physical items, and that’s where Easy Digital Products comes in.

It allows you to attach files to products and upload them to your store, and keep track of all your orders. It also allows you to create a license key for each purchase, which helps protect you from the risk of digital piracy. They offer both free and paid plans, with paid packages starting at $9.99 per month and going up to $39.99 per month, depending on the number of digital products you’re selling with the help of the app.

17. TikTok

You probably know what TikTok is already, but you’re probably thinking of it as just another social media app. However, business owners can get a lot more use out of it than that. It is one of the top-ranking apps when it comes to consumer spending and also offers a dedicated Shopify app.

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The app allows you to create video ads and manage your orders while also tracking statistics. If you’re looking to target a younger demographic, this app is a godsend. The app is free to install and allows you to set a budget for your ad spend, which is then billed directly to your TikTok ad account.

Granted, it is still in its infancy stage, receiving only more than 70 reviews right now with a score of 4.3 stars. However, we all know how useful direct social media apps, so this app is bound to explode.

18. Gameball: Loyalty & Rewards

One of the best ways to retain existing customers is to implement a loyalty program that allows your customers to earn rewards through sales, referrals, or both. Gameball makes setting up such a program easy by “gamifying” your user’s journey.

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Users can earn points by completing challenges, allowing them to level up through different tiers. This allows them to earn a variety of rewards, including discount codes, cashback points, and more. The app offers a 14-day free trial, after which you have to choose a paid plan. Plans start at $29 per month and go up to $2259 per month, with custom pricing plans available for larger shops.

19. PixPix Image Editor

If you’re worried about your product photos, PixPix Image Editor is an easy-to-use app that can help you out. It allows you to perform a variety of actions, including cropping, resizing, adjusting color and lighting, adding alt text automatically, and more.

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The best part is that the app can be integrated into your product pages, which makes the process of editing photos and adding them to your websites quicker. The app offers both paid and free versions. The paid packages start at $14.99 per month, and you can try them for free for 14 days before making a commitment to paying.

20. HelpCenter & FAQ

If you’re overwhelmed with answering the same customer questions over and over again, HelpCenter is the answer to your problems. It allows you to create a multilayer FAQ page that is both easy to use on the backend and easy to navigate for customers on the front end.

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Additionally, they ensure that your FAQ page looks attractive on a variety of devices, so you don’t need to worry about broken visuals on mobile phones and tablets. They offer both a free and a paid pricing plan, with the paid package priced at $4.95 per month and billed annually.

This HelpCenter app has been rated 4.8 stars by more than 1,200 users.

21. Wishlist Plus

Sometimes, visitors to your website are interested in making a purchase but cannot go through with it at that moment. That’s when a wishlist comes in handy – it allows them to easily find products they are interested in when they visit your store days or weeks down the line, without forcing them to go through the entire website again and risking creating a lot of frustration.

Wishlist Plus helps you create a wishlist functionality for your store, where visitors can create an easy-to-navigate wishlist. Additionally, they don’t need to be signed in to an account in order to get started with creating their wishlist, making things even more user friends. The app offers both free and paid pricing plans, with paid plans starting at $14.99 per month.

At 4.8 stars coming from 1,400 Shopify users from around the world, it’s an app worth trying.

22. SEO Image Optimizer PRO

Google Images is the second largest search engine in the world, second only to Google Search. That means that when it comes to SEO optimization, you shouldn’t just be focusing on the main Search websites; you should also explore ways to optimize your website for Google Image Search.

That’s where SEO Image Optimizer PRO comes in. Once you’ve got the app set up, it will optimize the alt text for every image on your website, increasing the likelihood of them showing up when someone uses Google Image Search. Additionally, it checks for new images automatically every week, making the process as hands-free and stress-free for you as possible.

The app is completely free to use! It has so far received more than four hundred reviews, most of them from happy users that gave this app an average rating of 4.7 stars.

23. Product Reviews

If a customer is unsure about buying a particular product, viewing reviews from other shoppers can help tip the balance. Product Reviews can help you add this functionality to your shop. This app allows you to easily add product reviews to product pages, as well as reviewed scores on each page to increase page optimization for Google Search.

admin listing screenshot

The app is a native Shopify app – that is, it was created by Shopify itself – so you can be confident that it’ll look great and perform well on your website, regardless of your theme. The best part is that it is completely free, so you don’t have to worry about an added monthly charge affecting your shop budget.

Although free and fully integrated into Shopify (since it is a Shopify app), not a lot of customers are happy with it, getting only 3.7 stars from almost one thousand five hundred users. But hey, it’s free!


Research indicates that nearly half of all shoppers look at video ads before making a purchase. allows you to leverage this statistic for your business by making it easy for you to produce videos that will help drive sales and boost conversions.

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All you need to do is link your website, select the type of video you’re looking for, and decide on which product you want to promote. Once the app has all of this information, it uses the existing images and videos on your website to create a new promotional video. Creating promotional videos has never been easier!

With its awesome features, you would expect this app to charge a hefty sum. Actually, the app is priced at zero dollars! has received 4.7 stars by almost nine hundred happy customers so far.

25. Bold Upsell


There are two major channels you can use to increase revenue from customers – upselling and cross-selling. Upselling is when you get a customer to buy a more premium version of a product they were already looking to buy, while cross-selling is when you sell additional products to the same customer in addition to the items they initially visited your website to purchase.

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Bold Upsell makes doing both easy. The app allows you to displays pop-ups that customers can see while they shop on your website, which allows them to add the offered product to their existing cart with a single click – no need to navigate away from the page they are viewing.

You can show up to three upsells per funnel and customize your funnel based on whether or not the customer accepted the previous upsell. Packages start at $9.99 per month and go up to $59.99 per month, with packages determined based on the number of views per month. You can also make use of the 14-day free trial before investing in the paid version.

26. Affiliate Marketing GoAffPro

One of the best ways to promote your store by word of mouth is by encouraging your customers to be ambassadors of your brand. You won’t have to pay influencers a huge sum; all you need to do is entice current customers to become affiliates. Affiliates are people who promote your store using a unique link. Every time one of their referrals purchase from your store, you get more sales, and your affiliates earn commissions. One great Shopify affiliate marketing app is GoAffPro.

GoAffPro instantly creates a sign-up page for your business, allowing you to quickly grow your affiliate program. All you have to do is set the amount of commissions you want your affiliates to receive, in percentage or fixed price. You can even have coupons set up for each affiliate, each coupon identifying the affiliate who referred the customer.

This app only has two pricing plans: free and premium, which costs $24 a month. The free plan is feature-packed in itself, so you will be able to evaluate whether or not this app works for you. It has received great reviews from more than 1,300 customers, getting an average of 4.8 stars.

27. POP! Sales Pop and Social Proof

Social proof is one of the biggest drivers of conversion. If other people are buying it, then it must be good! If your customers are already on your website, how can they know if other people are buying it? Simple, show it to them! It could be through product reviews or what we call sales pops.

Sales pops are small notifications at the corner, at the side, or at the bottom of the screen, showing a few details of a purchase. This includes the first name, region or city of the customer, date purchased, and item purchased. POP! Sales Pop is one of the best social proofing apps in Shopify, having received almost seven thousand reviews, averaging 4.7 stars.

The app’s plans depend on the number of visitors your business receives per month, starting from free up to $129 per month. Paid plans have a 7-day free trial.

28. Live Chat, ChatBot, Cart Saver

If you’re not always around to answer your customers’ questions, or if you don’t have the manpower to do this task, then you always use a chatbot. What’s a chatbot? It is a virtual customer service app that answers your customers’ questions based on a set of options and trigger questions.Chatra Live Chat does all this and more.

This app allows you to have a live chat, offline respond later messaging, and an offline chat bot feature on your website. If you want to see how this works, you can visit the app’s website to see for yourself. They use their own chat feature, after all.

Shopify users can utilize the free plan, though if you want better features, you can choose the paid plan which can go from $19 to $29 per month. The app has so far received 4.9 stars from 575 reviews, which is one of the highest average ratings in this list.

Final Thoughts on the Best Shopify Apps to Use

As mentioned above, these are only some of the many apps available on the Shopify app store. If you are looking for more custom solutions or apps dedicated to larger stores (or new store owners), you should be able to find a number of options to help you out. If you can think of something you need to make your store more attractive to customers, chances are the App Store already offers a solution – all you need to do is find it!

That said, these are definitely the top 28 apps for users. Indeed, some are not only useful, but they’re also what we would call essential, playing a major role in ensuring the popularity of your store and continued high conversions.

Ready to use SMS Marketing to encourage more purchases on your website? Let’s talk!