The 6 Benefits of Bulk SMS Marketing

November 11, 2022 Julio Romero

Reading time about 4min


The 6 Benefits of Bulk SMS Marketing


Are you aiming to boost your product sales? In a crowded landscape of eCommerce shops vying for attention on social media and email platforms, the benefits of bulk SMS Marketing can provide a refreshing solution. With everyone flocking to these platforms where prices soar and customers tend to overlook content, leveraging Bulk SMS Marketing allows you to directly reach and engage with your target audience in a more impactful and cost-effective manner.


6 Benefits of Bulk SMS Marketing

Other marketing strategies absolutely have a place for your Shopify store, but if you’re looking for real engagement that translates into money in your bank account, bulk SMS marketing is the way to go.

Between checking Instagram, replying to work emails, and snapping a few selfies, your shoppers have a lot going on. Bulk SMS messages make it possible for you to connect with these distracted shoppers with just a few taps of a button.

If you still need to be convinced of the benefits of bulk SMS marketing, these six major advantages of SMS will convince you to take the plunge.

1. Affordability

As a growing Shopify brand, you need to keep your costs as low as possible. While ROI will depend on your industry, brand, and customers, you can expect to earn more sales from SMS campaign spend than you will from any other initiative.

It’s going to cost you an arm and a leg to promote your business with paid Instagram or Google ads. Email marketing is a popular option that’s affordable, but it isn’t super cost-effective. For the money, bulk SMS marketing can generate a 5x ROI. Bottom line: You get more for your money with SMS campaigns.

2. Higher Customer Engagement and Conversions

When was the last time you replied to a brand’s email? Probably never, right?

Sixty percent of shoppers read a text within five minutes of receiving it. They’re also 134% more likely to reply to an SMS from you than an email. Because of this, it’s much more likely that you’ll make an actual sale with SMS.

Consumers aren’t checking their email as quickly as they check their SMS messages. If you’re promoting a limited-time sale or a lightning deal, shoppers will see your SMS messages with plenty of time to spare. With this approach, you know that your message isn’t languishing in someone else’s inbox, unread. Or worse, sitting in their spam or trash folder.

3. Personalized Messages

Eighty percent of shoppers say they’re more likely to buy a product if they get a personalized experience. Sure, you can personalize emails, but SMS messages are just as customizable. Combined with their immediacy and engagement rates, it’s the perfect way to bring in more shoppers.

Even with a bulk SMS marketing campaign, you can personalize at scale. Use a solution like Winback to drop in your customer’s name, details from their last order, discount codes, and any other custom fields that personalize the message.

Keep in mind that your personalization is only as good as your data. Make sure you’re collecting enough relevant data to give your shoppers the benefits of personalized SMS.

4. Reduced Distractions (and Competition)

Platforms like Facebook and Google are pay-to-play. They’re already expensive, and if you account for the fact that shoppers scroll past your content without a second thought, they just don’t make sense for a Shopify store. Bulk SMS marketing gives you the freedom to connect with shoppers in a less cluttered environment.

Seventy-five percent of customers want to receive SMS messages from the brands they love—and yet, very few brands are using bulk messaging to their advantage. Stop investing in expensive platforms with low engagement. Beat your competitors by connecting with shoppers via a more engaging channel like SMS instead.

5. Easy Setup

You don’t need to be a marketing expert to use bulk SMS, either. With a solution like Winback, you can get up and running in a few minutes. Create rules and triggers to fire off bulk messages automatically so you have one less thing to worry about every day. With flexible payment options and an intuitive dashboard, you can skip the learning curve and connect with more shoppers.

6. Fewer Barriers to Delivery

Never worry about the spam folder again. As long as shoppers opt into your list and they haven’t marked your number as spam, your messages will get through to your subscribers. You still need to make sure your messages aren’t too frequent and give shoppers value, but as long as they’ve opted in, you’ll have way fewer deliverability issues with bulk SMS marketing.

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Reap the Benefits of Bulk SMS Marketing

Bulk SMS marketing gives you the convenience of email with the engagement of texting. Bulk campaigns might seem a little impersonal, but with the right approach, they can help you reach shoppers with just a few taps of a button. When you make the switch to bulk SMS marketing, you’ll enjoy these six benefits—in addition to saving more time running your business.

Ready to automate your bulk SMS marketing? Go with Winback: We help Shopify stores automate abandoned cart SMS messages to rake in more sales. Try Winback now for free.